Rules and By-Laws

Rules and By-Laws are necessary for the smooth operation of the Team Sports competition and for continued enjoyment of all participants, officials and spectators.

Appropriate Behaviour

As the Team Organiser, it is your responsibility to ensure your team members and supporters abide by all rules and by-laws. Craigie Leisure Centre has a no tolerance approach to the use of abusive or inappropriate language, violence and misconduct from players and/or spectators. Breaches of the code of conduct, sports rules and/or by-laws will result in penalties as outlined by the rules and by-laws.

Centre By-Laws

Team Sports By-Laws
  1. Interpretation

    1.1 Day to day interpretation of these By-laws shall be at the responsibility of the most senior official present at the time (for example Coordinator Leisure Centres, Team Leader, Supervisor or Umpire).

    1.2 Players participate in sports competitions at their own risk.

    1.3 Appeals against interpretation must be lodged in writing to the relevant City of Joondalup Sports Supervisor.

    1.4 Craigie Leisure Centre reserves the right to change or amend the By-laws at any time without prior notice. The Centre will inform teams of changes and it is the teams’ responsibility to remain up-to-date with the rules of the game.

    1.5 Please refer to the sport specific rules relating to each particular sport.

  2. Registration

    2.1 The registration form is to be submitted online to Craigie Leisure Centre. The Sports Supervisor will then contact the Team Organiser to arrange payment of the Advance Game Fee (AGF), which is required to complete registration.

    2.2 This is an application to join one of the competitions at Craigie Leisure Centre and no guarantee is given that this application will be successful. Where teams cannot be included the team organiser will be notified prior to the start of the season and if the Advance Game Fee (AGF) payment has been made, it will be refunded in full.

    2.3 Registration forms must be fully completed. This includes full names for all players, as well as the school year for each player in the junior competition. Team organisers must provide a contact number and email address.

    2.4 Registration ceases at the end of any one season.

    2.5 Teams withdrawing from a competition, who paid their fees upfront, are subject to the fair cancellation criteria. If a team does not meet the criteria, it will be refunded 90% of the remaining games, less the Advance Game Fee payment.

    2.6 A team will not be considered to have withdrawn until all outstanding fees have been paid.

    2.7 Teams are to register all players as per 2.3 above. Failure to do so may result in team members not being notified of any competition changes.

  3. Late Registration

    3.1 New teams joining after the start of the season can be introduced into the competition and be eligible to play in the finals provided they play a minimum of three quarters of the season.

  4. Game Fees

    4.1 All junior teams must pay their season fees in full by the end of week 4 of the competition.

    4.2 Any byes or forfeits against will accrue a credit unless the team engages in a scratch match.

    4.3 Any forfeits will incur a forfeit fee. Refer to Section 18.

    4.4 At the end of the season if a team has any credits remaining on their account the amount will either be:

      • Transferred to the following season if the team has re-registered.
      • Sent out as a cheque/EFT refund to the team organiser who is then responsible as to how this is returned to the team members.
  5. Transfers

    5.1 A player may transfer from one team to another team once during the season provided that:

      • Such a player is financial with and does not possess any assets of the team from which the player is transferring.
      • Transfers are presented to the Sports Supervisor in writing before the game that the new player plays for the team.
      • Once the transfer is confirmed, players will be unable to fill in for their original team if doing so exceeds the maximum number of games a player is allowed to fill in for (refer to 5.2 below).

    5.2 A player may only play a maximum of three games (PM competitions) or two games (AM and junior competitions) for another team during the season. Qualification for finals for any player in two different teams in the same competition is not permitted; players are required to choose one team only in which to qualify for finals. A player found to have played more than the maximum number of games for another team during the season, will result in an immediate forfeit of any game that they play after that.

    5.3 Disputes on clearances will be heard upon request by the Management of Craigie Leisure Centre.

  6. Eligibility

    6.1 The penalty for including the names of players who are not present and ready for play in the match will result in the loss of all points accrued for that match.

    6.2 Any players arriving after half time will be unable to take the court. Players arriving late can still have their name included on the official score sheet before half time without penalty. Should it be discovered during the course of a match that the name of an on-court player does not appear on the score sheet, this player’s name may be added without penalty. Please refer to sport specific rules.

    6.3 Any illegal players found on court will result in the immediate forfeit of the game as per section 12 below.

    6.4 To be eligible for the finals, players must play a minimum of four games (senior evening competitions) and three games (day time and junior competitions) within the seasons fixtured games. (Byes, forfeits and/or grading does not count towards player eligibility for finals.)

  7. To Play

    7.1 Prior to the game commencing, all teams must have paid their game fee and must present the receipt or payment card to the umpire before taking to the court. The team sheet must also be filled out in full. Failure to do so will result in late penalties being applied and in cases where teams are not up to date with payments, will not be permitted to take the court.

    7.2 Participants must accept the umpire/referee’s decision with sportsmanlike conduct. Players who dispute calls during match play may have penalties awarded against them and their teams. Umpire/referee’s may send players off the court.

    7.3 In case of doubt, clarification may be requested only through the team organiser, at a quarter/half time break or immediately after the match.

    7.4 Participants and spectators must follow all reasonable direction from umpires and staff members. Failure to do so may result in a suspension or ban from the facility.

  8. Team Responsibilities

    8.1 All teams must provide their own scorer/timekeeper for the duration of the match. Teams are therefore responsible for keeping a “check” on the scores during the game. Failure to provide a scorer will leave the team no recourse to challenge the score. The score on the score sheet will be the official result.

    8.2 The team will be held responsible for the conduct of its members and spectators. Furthermore, teams are expected to conduct themselves in keeping with the ethos of participation, enjoyment and healthy competition.

    8.3 No participants can wear jewellery, watches, pins, or other dangerous items. Fingernails must be taped, cut or gloved at the discretion of the umpires/referee. See the sports specific rules for further information.

    8.4 Any player deemed under the influence of drugs/alcohol (other than prescribed medication) shall be denied entry to the facility. If this request is disregarded the matter will be reported to the Duty Manager, City of Joondalup Community Patrol and Police in accordance with the Centre’s operating standards.

    8.5 Whilst management recognises the need for teams to introduce new players during the season, they reserve the right not to allow teams to increase their playing strength beyond the compatibility of the grade in which they play, by the introduction of such players.

    8.6 Any disputes to decisions made on-court can be made to the referee/umpire or Sports Supervisor at a quarter/half time break, or upon conclusion of the match by the team organiser. Any appeals can be made by the team organiser in writing to the Sports Supervisor.

    8.7 Fixtures are subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the commencement of the fixtured game. It is the team organiser’s responsibility to check these fixtures.

    8.8 Fixtures listed are considered final and requests will not be accepted in any sport.

  9. Umpires

    9.1 The Centre will provide experienced or qualified umpires/referees (minimum of one per court) and ensure the delivery of quality umpiring at each match played.

    9.2 Responsibilities of the umpire/referee

    9.2.1 Prior to the match:

      • To collect receipts/payment cards from both teams
      • To inspect the condition of playing area, ball and equipment
      • To ensure both teams prior to start of the game correctly complete the score sheet
      • To ensure all players are wearing the correct uniform, and
      • To check all players’ nails and jewellery.

    9.2.2 At all times:

      • To apply the Centre’s By-laws and sport specific rules to all matches, and
      • To provide the highest customer service to all players and patrons.

    9.3. During play, the umpire/referees’ decision is final. He/she shall not permit any discussion about the umpire/referees’ decision. However, at the request of the team organiser, umpire/referees will give an explanation on the interpretation of the rules. This explanation shall be given at any interval break or at the conclusion of the match. Refer to section 19 below should the matter not be resolved.

  10. Team Organiser

    10.1 Team Organiser must be 17 years of age or older.

    10.2 Responsibilities of the team organiser are:

    10.2.1 Prior to the match:

      • To complete the score sheet (full names), and
      • To hand receipt/payment card to the umpire/referee.

    10.2.2 During the match:

      • To ensure all team members behave in a sportsmanlike way, and
      • To ask for an explanation or interpretation of rules during interval breaks only.

    10.2.3 After the match:

      • Thank umpires,
      • Sign score sheet to ratify outcome, and
      • Fill out comments/evaluation section if required.
  11. Team Uniforms

    11.1 All players in each team are required to present themselves in shirts of the same colour and shade. See sports specific rules for more detail.

    11.2 Three weeks grace will be allowed from the commencement of the season for teams to be in conforming uniforms.

    11.3 Failure to comply will result in goals awarded to the opposing team. Refer to sports specific rules for penalty amounts. The umpires/referees will use their own discretion with regards to suitability.

    11.4 New teams joining the competition during the course of a season will be given three weeks to conform to correct uniform.

    11.5 Fill-ins and substitutes must be in correct uniform or the team will be penalised as per the sports specific rules.

  12. Illegal Players

    12.1 The penalty for playing illegal players is automatic forfeiture of the match in which the offence occurred.

    12.2 Illegal players will be defined as follows:

      • Players under suspension.
      • Players participating under an assumed name.
      • Non observance of transfer regulations.
      • A fill-in player who is registered to a team in a higher grade in the current season.
      • Non observance of qualification criteria for finals matches.
      • A player under the age of 16 years playing in a senior competition (without parental consent).

    12.3 A player knowingly playing under an assumed name or a coach playing a player under an assumed name may be reported for misconduct to Management.

  13. Timing

    13.1 Game times – please refer sports specific rules.

    13.2 Times for all games will commence on the stated time according to the Centres’ clock. Games may commence a maximum of ten minutes after the timer has started.

    13.3 The clock will not be stopped during fixtured matches. In the case of injury a team is awarded two minutes (time will be taken from the umpires watch) to either:

    1) seek treatment and continue;

    2) continue or seek assistance; and

    3) come off the court. Any player who cannot move from the court should not do so.

  14. Competition Points

    14.1 Competition points are:

    Win 4 points

    Draw 2 points

    Loss 0 point

    Forfeit 0 points

    Bye 1 point

    Teams with a forfeit against them will receive a win and shall receive goals according to the sports specific rules. Forfeited matches will be counted as a game, only when players are actually in attendance at the centre and have been marked off on the score sheet.

  15. Substitutes

    15.1 Each team shall be permitted to have an unlimited number of substitute players, provided all players are registered.

  16. Abandoned Games

    16.1 A game may be abandoned in, though not limited to, the following situations; major injury causing immobilisation, inappropriate behaviour or conduct, when Centre operating standards are compromised (for example, power failure or storm damage).

    16.2 The final outcome of abandoned games, including financial implications with regard to credits and/or refunds for teams, will be decided upon by sports management. If games are abandoned after half time the scores shall remain final with no opportunity to replay.

  17. Finals

    17.1 Semi finals will be played as 1st v 4th and 2nd v 3rd.

    17.2 Grand finals will be played between the winners of 17.1.

    17.3 If, in the event that a team(s) has not played the same amount of games as all other teams, due to re-grading or byes, then ladder positions for finals shall be calculated based on average competition points per game. 

    17.4 In the event of a draw in any finals match, please refer to the sports specific rules.

    17.5 Any team with money outstanding at the end of the fixtured season will be ineligible to play finals.

    17.6 In the event that a team who finishes in the top four at the end of the fixtured season, informs the Sports Supervisor that they are unable to play in the finals prior to the finals fixtures being produced, the team who finishes fifth will be brought into fourth position.

    17.7 If a team cannot field enough eligible players for a finals match they can still play the match, however they will forfeit the game and be ineligible for any finals prizes. If they choose to not to play the match they will accrue forfeit fees as per section 18.

  18. Forfeits

    18.1 If a team provides more than 48 hours’ notice of a forfeit before the scheduled fixture, the team is required to pay their standard game fee (one game). If a team provides less than 48 hours’ notice of a forfeit before the scheduled fixture, or they fail to attend the fixture, they will be required to pay their standard game fee plus the opposition’s standard game fee (two games in total).

    18.2 Forfeit fees must be paid within 14 days of forfeit date. A maximum of two consecutive forfeits are allowed before the team may be suspended from the competition. Suspensions shall remain until all monies are paid in full.

    18.2.1 If forfeits are not paid within 14 days of the forfeit date, there will be no game points allocated to the offending team.

    18.3 In the event of a forfeit, if the non-offending team has made payment, they shall receive a credit unless they take part in a scratch match or practice session. If both teams play a scratch match, the score will reflect a forfeit; however each team will be required to pay their own game fee and no forfeit fees will apply.

    18.4 The non-offending team of a forfeit will receive the following score:

    Netball: 20-0

    Basketball: 20-0

    Soccer: 5-0

    18.5 If both teams agree to play a scratch match, the score will reflect a forfeit however each team will be required to pay their own game fee and no forfeit fees will apply.

  19. Protests

    19.1 All protests are to be lodged in writing to the Sports Supervisor at Craigie Leisure Centre within 48 hours of the incident.

  20. Player Reports

    20.1 Players and spectators shall be subject to report by the umpires/referees or Management for any form of misconduct.

    20.2 Misconduct shall include, but is not limited to, abusive language, unsporting conduct, undue rough play, resisting, striking and attempted striking.

    20.3 Player or spectator reports in clear breach of section 20.2 (misconduct) will be reviewed by Management who reserves the right to place immediate suspension or exclusion of a player, team or spectator.

    20.4 Reported players or spectators who are suspended will be advised in writing (where possible) or by team organiser. Details will include the date and nature of the incident reported and penalty applied.

    20.5 Any suspension or penalty may be appealed by the team organiser in writing to the Sports Supervisor within seven days of being notified of the suspension. Should the appeal be forwarded to the tribunal, a cost of $30.00 will be applied.

    20.6 Centre Management reserves the right to suspend or expel players or teams from the competition. Refer to section 21.

  21. Player Suspension

    21.1 If a player is expelled from a fixtured game, the offending player may be suspended from the competition on evaluation of the incident by Management.

    21.2 If a player is expelled from a fixtured game more than three times throughout the season, they may be prevented from playing in any future competitions.

    21.3 If a team has been involved in a serious case or multiple cases of misconduct, the whole team may be suspended from the competition, with all players subject to suspension guidelines.

  22. Reregistration

    22.1 Existing teams will be given the option to re-register before the next season is open to the public. Teams who fail to re-register during this period will forfeit all guarantees of a position in the next season.

    22.2 Vacancies in the competition will be filled by the first paid priority.

    22.3 Management reserves the right to not accept teams re-registering based upon sections 20 and 21.

  23. Insurance

    23.1 All players are responsible for their own insurance.

    23.2 All players play at their own risk.

    23.3 When ambulance assistance is deemed necessary by the Sports Supervisor, the costs associated with this service will be the responsibility of the injured player. If a player declines ambulance assistance, Management accepts no liability for any further injury or damages arising.

  24. Medical Conditions

    24.1 Craigie Leisure Centre recommends that all participants check with their doctor before playing or partaking in any physical activity.

  25. Outstanding Debts

    25.1 Forfeiting teams must pay any due fees within 14 days of the forfeit date.

    25.2 Any teams with outstanding money will be contacted as per the City of Joondalup debt collection procedure, which may include engaging with a debt collection agency.

  26. Commencement of Matches

    26.1 If a team has less than the minimum required players to start the match, and play commences late, the opposing team will be awarded points/goals according to the sport's specific rules, up until the ten minutes has expired.

    26.2 If a team does not have the minimum required players on court and ready to play within ten minutes of the scheduled starting time, they shall lose the match on a forfeit and be required to pay the forfeit fee detailed in section 18, unless a scratch match is organised between that team and the opposing team.

Sport Specific Rules

Netball Rules


The Australian Netball Association 'Rules of Netball 2020' shall apply unless otherwise provided for in these netball rules and are available on their website.


A team must have a minimum of five registered players who are ready to take the court at the commencement of the game. A late player may only take the court in the period after a goal has been scored and prior to the next centre pass.

Teams in the mixed netball competition must have a minimum of one male and up to a maximum of three males on court at any time. The number of males may be equal to, but cannot exceed the number of females on court. The exception to this is when there are only five players on court; the combination may then be three females and two males; or three males and two females. There are no restrictions on what positions the males can play.


Substitutions may be made at the break between any quarter. The exception to this rule is in the case of an injured player to which a substitution can be made during the game.


Teams may use ‘fill-in’ players. A ‘fill-in’ is a player already registered in a particular competition who is asked by another team in the same competition to ‘fill-in’. A ‘fill-in’ can only play:

  • For a grade same or higher
  • If the team is short of players
  • W.A or W.D
  • A maximum of three games for any particular team.
  • Should a player play three games for a particular team they are required to choose one team only in which to qualify for finals and may not ‘fill-in’ for the other team for the remainder of the season.

The usual uniform penalties apply for each ‘fill-in’ that takes part in the game. The names of these players must be recorded.


If a player does not play in the current competition and fills-in for your team, they will be considered registered to your team. Should they ‘fill-in’ for multiple teams, they can only play a maximum of three evening competition games before they will be required to choose one team to qualify for finals for.


All players in each team are required to present themselves in shirts of the same colour and shade. Skirts, shorts and leggings are permitted in all competitions. A long-sleeved shirt may be worn under the conforming uniform shirt provided it is black, white or uniform colours.

Teams will be given three weeks to conform to the uniform requirements.

The same set of playing bibs must be worn and supplied by the team. In the event a team requires a set of bibs, these will be available at a charge. Bibs will only be supplied, without charge, if there is a clash of colour between opposing teams.


All games will be played on a time limit (40-minute playing time) of four x 10 minute quarters with a one minute break between quarters.

Game times are as follows:

  • PM competitions 6.15pm, 7.00pm, 7.45pm, 8.30pm, 9.15pm

Note: game times are subject to change.


Jewellery must be taped or removed prior to taking the court. Long/sharp nails are required to be taped or cut. Suitable sports gloves may also be worn. Any form of hardened/artificial nails must be taped and gloved at all times whilst playing netball. Failure to do so will result in the player not being allowed to participate in the game.


In the event of a forfeit, please refer to section 18 of the Team Sports By-Laws.

All forfeits will be scored 20-0.


Late Penalties

If a team has less than the minimum required players to start the match, the opposing team will be awarded one point per minute for every minute that play is late commencing. If a team does not have the minimum required players on court and ready to play within ten minutes of the scheduled starting time, they shall lose the match on a forfeit.

Uniform penalties

All players in each team are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each match. After three weeks, if teams are not in conforming uniforms they will be penalised two goals per person out of uniform.

The final decision as to whether player uniforms are conforming is at the discretion of the umpires/supervisor.


In the event that there is a draw at the end of a finals match, the teams will play two rounds of three minutes without rest but changing ends between rounds. If a draw still occurs after this extra time a further period will be played until a margin of two goals exists with the winner being the team ahead.


Craigie Leisure Centre has a no tolerance policy in regards to the use of abusive or inappropriate language, violence and misconduct from players and/or spectators. A breach of these rules will result in a caution, with a repeat offence resulting in the player being asked to leave the Centre. This ruling is based on the judgment at the time of the offence by the Sports Supervisor.

Centre Management reserves the right to suspend or expel players or teams from the competition. Refer to section 21 of the Team Sports By-laws.

Basketball Rules


The FIBA rules shall apply unless otherwise provided for in these rules and are available at


A team must have a minimum of four players entered on a scoresheet who are ready to take the court at the commencement of the game.


A player may only take the court in the second half of play if he/she is included on the scoresheet before half time and has played during the first half of the game.

Substitutions are made at any time in a game where there is a break during play.


Teams may use ‘fill-in’ players. A ‘fill-in’ is a player already registered in a particular competition who is asked by another team in the same competition to ‘fill-in’. A ‘fill-in’ can only play:

For a grade same or higher.

A maximum of three games for any particular team. Should a ‘fill-in’ reach this number they are required to choose one team only in which to qualify for finals and may not ‘fill-in’ for the other team for the remainder of the season.


All players in each team are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each game, with shirts the same colour and shade. 

All players in each team are required to have clearly visible numbers on the back of the shirt. Please note that in order to assist scorers/referees in identifying players, ensure numbers are clearly visible and that there are no duplicate numbers.

All players must wear shorts without pockets. Pockets with zips are also not allowed.

Teams will be penalised two points per player out of uniform, including fill-ins.

Teams will be given three weeks to conform to the uniform requirements.


All games will be played on a time limit of two x 20-minute halves with a two minute half time break. During the final three minutes of the Grand Final is the only occasion where the clock may be stopped. During all other games, no stoppage time will be played.

Game times are as follows:

6.15pm, 7.00pm, 7.45pm, 8.30pm, 9.15pm Note: game times are subject to change.


The game shall start on the exact time given in the fixtures. Teams that do not have either receipt/payment card, or enough players at the start time shall not commence playing until this is so. The opposing team shall be awarded penalty points accruing at a rate of one point per minute of game time. After 10 minutes the game will be declared a forfeit.


In the event of a forfeit, please refer to section 18 of the Team Sports By-laws.

All forfeits will be scored 20-0.


Late Penalties If a team has less than the minimum required players to start the match, the opposing team will be awarded one point per minute for every minute that play is late commencing. If a team does not have the minimum required players on court and ready to play within ten minutes of the scheduled starting time, they shall lose the match on a forfeit.

Uniform penalties: All players in each team (including fill-ins and substitutes) are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each match. After three weeks, for any members that are not dressed correctly, teams will be penalised two points per member that does not conform to specified uniform requirements.


In the event that there is a draw at the end of a finals match, the teams will play one round of five minutes without rest. If a draw still occurs after extra time, a further period will be played until a minimum margin of three points exists with the winner being the team ahead.


Each team shall provide a scorer for the game. This will ensure that the score is an accurate and true reflection of the game and will provide two witnesses shall any disputes arise.

If, in the event that both teams do not provide a scorer, the match will be played between two teams of four players, with the fifth player from each team required to score.


Craigie Leisure Centre has a no tolerance policy in regards to the use of abusive or inappropriate language, violence and misconduct from players and/or spectators. A breach of these rules will result in a technical foul, with a repeat offence resulting in the player being asked to leave the Centre. This ruling is based on the judgment at the time of the offence by the Sports Supervisor.

Centre Management reserves the right to suspend or expel players or teams from the competition. Refer to section 21 of the Team Sports By-laws.

Senior Soccer Rules


The FIFA Futsal Laws of the game shall apply unless otherwise provided for in these rules.


A team must have a minimum of three players entered on a scoresheet who are ready to take the court at the commencement of the game.

In cases where teams fall under the minimum number of players (three) due to disciplinary action, the game shall be abandoned. If injury causes a team to fall below three players, the game is held until the team can field the minimum numbers.

In cases of abandoned matches, please refer to section 16 in the Team Sports By-laws.


A player may only take the court in the second half of play if he/she is included on the scoresheet before half time and has played during the first half of the game.

Substitutions of field players can be made at any time during a game. Goalkeeper substitutions can only be made when there is a stoppage in play and when the team who is making the change is in possession of the ball. Either team can change goalkeepers after a goal is scored.

The referee must be informed when the goalkeeper is changed, and the new goalkeeper clearly identified.

Substitutions must be made at the interchange area (middle third of the pitch between white lines). The process of making substitutions is to allow the player leaving the field to exit through the interchange area before the new player enters through the same area.

Failure to make substitutions correctly will result in a direct free kick from the white line within the team’s attacking third, unless the ball is already located in a more advantageous area.


Teams may use ‘fill-in’ players. A ‘fill-in’ is a player already registered in a particular competition who is asked by another team in the same competition to ‘fill-in’. A ‘fill-in’ can only play:

  • For a grade same or higher.
  • A maximum of three games for any particular team. Should a ‘fill-in’ reach this number they are required to choose one team only in which to qualify for finals and may not ‘fill-in’ for the other team for the remainder of the season.

The ‘fill-in’ is required to be in conforming uniform with the team they are representing. The names of these players must be recorded on the scoresheet.


All players in each team are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each game, with shirts the same colour and shade.

Other non-essential clothing items such as hats are not permitted to be worn while playing. As jewellery is not considered part of the uniform, it may not be worn. Items that are dangerous must not be worn. The only exception to this ruling is a Medic Alert Bracelet, which must be taped (apart from the information plate).


All games will be played on a time limit of 40 minutes playing time with two x 18-minute halves with a one-minute half time break.

Game times are:

  • 6.10pm, 6.50pm, 7.30pm, 8.10pm, 8.50pm. Note: game times are subject to change.


The game shall start on the exact time given in the fixtures. Games that do not have either receipt/payment card or enough players from both teams at the start time shall not commence until this is so, however the clock will commence at the stipulated time. The opposing team shall be awarded penalty goals accruing at a rate of one goal per two minutes of game time. After ten minutes, the game shall be declared a forfeit.


In the event of a forfeit, please refer to section 18 of the Team Sports By-laws.


Late Penalties

If a team has less than the minimum required players to start the match, then for every two minutes that play is late commencing, the opposing team will be awarded one goal, up until the ten minutes has expired. If a team does not have the minimum required players on court and ready to play within ten minutes of the scheduled starting time, it shall lose the match on a forfeit.

Uniform penalties

Teams will be given three weeks to conform to the uniform requirements. After three weeks, if teams are not in conforming uniforms, they will be penalised one goal per person out of uniform.


  1. The playing area is as designated by the Centre with a semi circle defining the goal box area.
  2. Teams may be of any number, however only five are allowed on the playing area at one time, one of which must be the goalkeeper.
  3. Interchanges may be made at any time during the game as long as there are a maximum of five players per team on the field at any one time. Referees do not need to be notified for interchanges. More than five players on the field could lead to a penalty or other direct free kick being awarded to the opposition, at the referee’s discretion.
  4. Any stoppage is at the referee’s discretion.
  5. Should the ball cross the sideline, it is an indirect free kick to the opposition from the point it crossed the line.
  6. Slide tackles are not allowed. Infringement of this rule will result in a free kick to the opposition.
  7. Players may not play the ball unless upright. Infringement of this rule will result in an indirect free kick to the opposition.
  8. The keeper cannot kick or throw the ball over the halfway line on the full. The exception is if a save is being made. Infringement of this rule will result in an indirect free kick to the opposition from the point where it crossed the halfway line.
  9. Players have four seconds to play the ball after a free kick is awarded or the advantage will be reversed. Referees are encouraged to warn players when they are nearing their six second restriction before issuing any free kicks to the opposition.
  10. The goalkeeper has four seconds to get the ball back into play once he/she has possession or a free kick will be awarded to the opposition. Referees are encouraged to warn players when they are nearing their six second restriction before issuing any free kicks to the opposition.
  11. Free kicks are ALL direct except from the halfway line and side lines, or when playing the ball in any other position than upright. The opposition must stand at least 2.5m from the ball for all free kicks. Should the opposition player stand too close the free kick may be advanced or a yellow card may be issued.
  12. If a free kick is awarded with a goal scoring opportunity before time expires and the siren sounds before the free kick is taken, the team will be allowed to take the free kick on the condition that it is taken within the six second limit. Only one touch of the ball is allowed for the free kick, any touch from the attacking team thereafter ends the play. If the free kick is scored off the one touch the goal will count.
  13. If a free kick is awarded with a goal scoring opportunity before time expires and the siren sounds before the free kick is taken, the team will be allowed to take the free kick on the condition that it is taken within the four second limit. Only one touch of the ball is allowed for the free kick, any touch from the attacking team thereafter ends the play. If the free kick is scored off the one touch the goal will count.
  14. The referee will indicate an area (roughly 1m) in which players are allowed to perform a run up to take a penalty kick.
  15. There is no offside rule and no throw-ins.
  16. Referees may allow play to continue rather than award a free kick for an infringement of any of the rules if they feel an advantage is gained by the non-offending team. This is solely at the referee’s discretion.
  17. Spectators/players are expected to respect all referees and players. Harassing, abusing or arguing with the referee will not be tolerated. Referees can issue a red/yellow card in these circumstances and award a penalty to the opposition. Continuing harassment etc. will be dealt with by Centre Management in accordance with the Conditions of Entry and Team Sports By-laws.


A yellow card results in a two-minute suspension from the game during which the player may not be substituted. The referee will indicate when the player can return to the game which will be during a stoppage in play.

A second yellow card for the same player, in the same match, will result in a red card being shown to that player.

A red card results in suspension from the rest of the game during which time the player may not be substituted. The red card will be reviewed by Centre Management and may result in a further suspension.

All other rules are as per FIFA football rules of play.


In the event there is a draw at the end of a finals match, the teams will play one round of five minutes with a toss to determine ends. If, at the end of overtime there is still a draw, the teams will go to penalty shootout, with the winner being the team who scores the most goals from five attempts. If there is still a draw, they will go to sudden death (goal for goal), where the winner will be the team who scores the first goal unmatched by the other team. Each player must only have one attempt at the penalty shootout until all other players on the team have had an attempt.


Craigie Leisure Centre has a no tolerance policy in regards to the use of abusive or inappropriate language, violence and misconduct from players and/or spectators. A breach of these rules will result in a technical foul, with a repeat offence resulting in the player and/or spectator being asked to leave the Centre. This ruling is based on the judgment at the time of the offence by the Sports Supervisor.

Centre Management reserves the right to suspend or expel players or teams from the competition.

Junior Soccer Rules


The FIFA Futsal Laws of the game shall apply unless otherwise provided for in these rules.


A team must have a minimum of three players entered on a scoresheet who are ready to take the court at the commencement of the game.


To be eligible for a junior competition, a player must be the age of or younger than the competition they wish to participate in as of the start date of the season. Allowances may be made, but these are considered on a case by case situation by the Sports Supervisor. The decision that is made will be final and no correspondence be entered into.


A player may only take the court in the second half of play if he/she is included on the scoresheet before half time and has played during the first half of the game.

Substitutions of field players can be made at any time during a game. Goalkeeper substitutions can only be made when there is a stoppage in play and when the team who is making the change is in possession of the ball. Either team can change goalkeepers after a goal is scored.

The referee must be informed when the goalkeeper is changed, and the new goalkeeper clearly identified.

Substitutions must be made at the interchange area (middle third of the pitch between the white lines). The process of making a substitution is to allow the player leaving the field of play to exit through the interchange area before the new player enters through the same area.

Failure to follow this process will result in a direct free kick from the white line within the team’s attacking third unless the ball is already located in a more advantageous area.


Teams may use ‘fill-in’ players. A ‘fill-in’ is a player already registered in a particular competition who is asked by another team in the same competition to ‘fill-in’. A ‘fill-in’ can only play:

  • For a grade same or higher.
  • A maximum of two games for any particular team. Should a ‘fill-in’ reach this number they are required to choose one team only in which to qualify for finals and may not ‘fill-in’ for the other team for the remainder of the season.

The ‘fill-in’ is required to be in conforming uniform with the team they are representing. The names of these players must be recorded on the scoresheet.


All players in each team are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each game, with shifts the same colour and shade. Teams will be given three weeks to conform to the uniform requirements.

Other non-essential clothing items such as hats are not permitted to be worn while playing. As jewellery is not considered part of the uniform, it may not be worn. Items that are dangerous must not be worn. The only exception to this ruling is a Medic Alert Bracelet, which must be taped (apart from the information plate).


All games will be played on a time limit of 40 minutes playing time with two x 18-minute halves with one minute half time break.

In accordance with the requirements of the competition, games may be scheduled on Thursday evenings, as well as Friday evenings. Game times on both nights are between 4.00pm – 9.20pm (last game to be finished by 10.00pm).

Game times for all competitions will primarily be scheduled on Friday evenings, however, in accordance with the requirements of the competition, particularly in the summer season, some games may be scheduled on Thursday evenings. All game times will take place between 4.00pm – 9.20pm (last game to be finished by 10.00pm).

These game times may be altered according to the requirements of the competition.


The game shall start on the exact time given in the fixtures. Games that do not have enough players from both teams at the start time shall not commence until this is so, however the clock will commence at the stipulated time.


In the event of a forfeit, please refer to section 18 of the Team Sports By-laws.


Late Penalties

If a team has less than the minimum required players to start the match, then for every two minutes that play is late commencing, the opposing team will be awarded one goal, up until the ten minutes has expired. If a team does not have the minimum required players on court and ready to play within ten minutes of the scheduled starting time it shall lose the match on a forfeit.


In the event of a draw in any finals match, teams will go straight to a penalty shootout with the winner being the team who scores the most goals from five attempts. If there is still a draw after each team has had their five attempts, they will go to sudden death (goal for goal basis) where the winner will be the team who scores the first goal unmatched by the other team.

Each player must only have one attempt at the penalty shootout until all other players on the team have had an attempt.


  1. The playing area is as designated by the Centre with a semi-circle defining the goal box area.
  2. Teams may be of any number, however only five are allowed on the playing area at one time, one of which must be the goalkeeper.
  3. Interchanges may be made at any time during the game as long as there are a maximum of five players per team on the field at any one time. Referees do not need to be notified for interchanges. More than five players on the field could lead to a penalty or other direct free kick being awarded to the opposition, at the referee’s discretion.
  4. Should the ball cross the sideline, it is an indirect free kick to the opposition from the point it crossed the line.
  5. Slide tackles are not allowed. Infringement of this rule will result in a free kick to the opposition.
  6. Players may not play the ball unless upright. Infringement of this rule will result in a free kick to the opposition.
  7. The keeper cannot kick or throw the ball over the halfway line on the full. The exception is if a save is being made. Infringement of this rule will result in an indirect free kick to the opposition from the point where it crossed the halfway line.
  8. Players have six seconds to play the ball after a free kick is awarded or the advantage will be reversed. Referees are encouraged to warn players when they are nearing their six second restriction before issuing any free kicks to the opposition.
  9. The goalkeeper has six seconds to get the ball back into play once he/she has possession or a free kick will be awarded to the opposition. Referees are encouraged to warn players when they are nearing their six second restriction before issuing any penalties to the opposition.
  10. Free kicks are ALL direct except from the halfway line and side lines or when playing the ball in any other position than upright. The opposition must stand at least 2.5m from the ball for all free kicks. Should the opposition player repeatedly stand too close, the free kick may be advanced, or a yellow card may be issued.
  11. If a free kick is awarded with a goal scoring opportunity before time expires and the siren sounds before the free kick is taken, the team will be allowed to take the free kick on the condition that it is taken within the six second limit. Only one touch of the ball is allowed for the free kick, any touch from the attacking team thereafter ends the play. If the free kick is scored off the one touch the goal will count.
  12. Should the keeper step outside their area, a penalty kick will be awarded to the opposition. There are exceptions to this rule depending on the circumstances and it is at the referee’s discretion. Please see the referee after the game if you require clarification as to why a free kick was or was not given in a particular instance.
  13. Should a defending player step inside the keeper's area, a penalty kick will be awarded to the opposition. There are exceptions to this rule depending on the circumstances and it is at the referee’s discretion. Please see the referee after the game if you require clarification as to why a free kick was or was not given in a particular instance.
  14. Should an attacking player step inside the keeper's area, a goal kick will be awarded to the opposition. There are exceptions to this rule depending on the circumstances and it is at the referee’s discretion. Please see the referee after the game if you require clarification as to why a free kick was or was not given in a particular instance.
  15. In the year 9/10 competition, the D rule will not apply, and players are not subject to point 13, 14.The referee will indicate an area (roughly 1 metre) in which players are allowed to perform a run up to take a penalty kick.
  16. There is no offside rule and no throw-ins.
  17. Referees may allow play to continue rather than award a free kick for an infringement of any of the rules if they feel an advantage is gained by the non offending team. This is solely at the referee’s discretion.
  18. Spectators/players are expected to respect all referees and players. Harassing, abusing or arguing with the referee will not be tolerated. Referees can issue a red/yellow card in these circumstances and award a free kick to the opposition. Continuing harassment etc. will be dealt with by Centre Management in accordance with the Conditions of Entry and Team Sports By-laws.


A yellow card results in a two-minute suspension from the game during which the player may not be substituted. The referee will indicate when the player can return to the game which will be during a stoppage in play.

A second yellow card for the same player, in the same match, will result in a red card being shown to that player.

A red card results in suspension from the rest of the game during which time the player may not be substituted. The red card will be reviewed by Centre Management and may result in a further suspension.


Craigie Leisure Centre has a no tolerance policy in regards to the use of abusive or inappropriate language, violence and misconduct from players and/or spectators. A breach of these rules will result in a technical foul, with a repeat offence resulting in the player and/or spectator being asked to leave the centre. This ruling is based on the judgment at the time of the offence by the Sports Supervisor.

Centre Management reserves the right to suspend or expel players or teams from the competition. Refer to Section 21 of the Team Sports By-laws.

Please contact your Sports Supervisor on 9400 4600 for further information regarding the rules and by-laws.