
By using City of Joondalup web services, clients will from time to time provide information to the City in order to ensure the most effective provision of services. Some of this information will be collected automatically by website equipment and some will be specifically requested by client input. This statement seeks to provide clear advice as to how such personal information shall be utilised by the City.

Usage Logs

Every time an element is downloaded from a City of Joondalup website, a record is recorded of the event including the IP address of the requesting client's machine, time and date of request, size and name of files sent and received, and type of web browser used. No attempt will be made to identify individual users or their browsing activities, except in the event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider's logs.


From time to time, the City of Joondalup will load simple, brief information (cookies) onto users' computers in order to provide more effective online services. Such cookies shall never contain personal details of individuals and will only be linked back to any server-based databases after specific approval of each user for each project. Users can choose not to allow such information to be uploaded by turning the cookie feature off on their web browser software.

Property Owners Database

The City of Joondalup maintains a comprehensive database of properties within the City of Joondalup. This database includes personal information relating to property owners such as names, addresses, and also records of any complaints and enquiries related to a property. The information held in the property database regarding individuals shall not be made available publicly via online services except where secure login methods have been implemented. Information regarding properties, including property owner name but excluding complaints and enquiries, shall be made freely available via online services. Information regarding complaints and enquiries shall not be made available via online services.

Web-Specific Databases

The City of Joondalup maintains a number of databases specifically to store information utilised by its web services and which include some personal details of individuals. These include Online Business Directory, AccessPoint accounts, Community Information, Active Carrot accounts and Events. Entries will only be made to these databases with the express permission of any names individuals, and such personal information will normally be added directly into the databases by the individuals involved via online forms and online portals. Information entered in these may be used in the provision of public web services, including the direct display of such details upon the City of Joondalup website in various formats.

Online Surveys

Where personal information is requested for the purpose of accepting answers to online surveys, that information shall never be publicly displayed in any way that identifies individual users.

External Use of Personal Information

Unless specifically noted at the time of gathering personal information, the City of Joondalup will never knowingly distribute such details to third parties, other than that displayed as part of the normal web services public display methods.

For more information,
please call 9400 4600.